Monday, January 28, 2008

President Gordon B. Hinckley, dies at 97

What a sad, sad day! My mother-in-law called us last night to tell us the grieving news. Our beloved prophet, Gordon B. Hinckley passed away of natural causes last night. It doesn't seem real. This great man has played a major role in my life, and has been the prophet I have grown the closest to. He became the prophet 2 years before I embarked on the biggest life changing event of my life (my mission). I have feasted upon his words through General Conference, and his Ensign messages. He was such a rock and foundation for me, and I truly loved that man. He has taken The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints into a whole new realm.

We will miss you President Hinckley, but are excited for you to be reunited with the love of your life and other family members. How excited I will be to meet you one day in the afterlife, and express to you my gratitude for all that you did for me. Thank you for being such a strength in my life and my testimony. You have glorified our Heavenly Father in your actions, and a great example of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. You taught us to love our neighbor regardless of their religion, and to embrace them. You helped us grow closer to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through temple work, and made it possible for those who couldn't to attend.

Thank you!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Sherman's are having a....


That's right, the girls win the tie-breaker! Michelle and I found out yesterday at her Dr's appointment that we will be welcoming in another cute and adorable girl into our family. We are so extremely excited to be given this wonderful gift from our Heavenly Father, and that he is trusting us with another one of His children.

We went to a specialist who checks for any problems with the baby's development. He gave us the check of approval, and the baby girl is developing exactly the way she should be. It was amazing to see the little hands moving and feet kicking. We could see her heart beating, and the technician pointing out the kidneys and stomach, etc. I am happy to say that our little girl made the technician earn her money, by being extremely modest! She was crossing her legs every time the technician went into check the sex. I guess she already knows that her parents will raise her right to dress and act modestly.

I was advised against posting the actual ultrasound image of "It's a Girl!!!" just to keep our little lady modest from the world! =)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cuckoo for....Money?

I'm not doing as great of a job keeping up on the blog this year. After I posted the last entry, I realized it had been the first one for the year. Now its been another week and I'm just getting around to this one. I don't know about all of you, but when you start a blog you envision writing something almost everyday because you feel like there is so much going on. Now that I have caught up with all the "get to know us" entries, I'm finding out that there isn't as much eventful things, or too many eventful things that take up my free time to post about them. Make sense?

So for Christmas I ended up using the camcorder to film Jasmin opening up all her presents. Since Michelle needed to assist her, we didn't have another person manning the digital camera. So unfortunately I don't plan to post 30+ mins of Jasmin opening her presents. But when the kid's came back from their biological father's house after the long Christmas Break, we had a few presents for them to open up here as well. Thankfully Santa only visits one household, so their presents came from great-grandparents, grandparents and parents. The kids were so excited to see their gifts and couldn't wait to open them. It had been almost 2 weeks since Christmas Day, so I'm sure they were happy to unwrap more gifts. Kaden and Camdon received money from their great-grandparents, and Halle got a beautiful dress. My parents gave them each a comfy warm pair of pajamas (that we've had to wash twice already in between them wearing them every night) and a toy. Kaden's toy was a Star Wars Transformer, Camdon got a Spiderman Mr. Potato Head, and Halle got a Barbie. We had them open Michelle's parents gift before they opened the ones from us. Honestly, I don't know how our windows stayed intact after the screams and squeals. Grandma gave them each 50 $1 bills. You would have thought they had won the lottery. Just take a look at the picture to see what I mean. was classic! I think my eardrums stopped bleeding the next day! :)

I'll try to catch up with our New Year's posts and talk a little about our goals and resolutions we have challenged ourselves with.

Stay tuned...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

In Your Future I See...

Jasmin has finally reached the stage where she would rather walk around in the buff, then keep her diaper on. It's a little frustrating at times, when we can't constantly watch her to make sure there are no accidents on the carpet (or couches). But she gets a real kick out of sitting on the big toilet, so perhaps its time to get a little potty for her to use.

She has been quite the character lately, since the kids have been gone for over 2 weeks. The other night Michelle and I were vegging out in front of the TV, when Jasmin decided to play "dress-up". For the past few months she has learned how to put on and take off her clothes. She gets a real kick out of it, and will probably change about 5 times a day (some outfits only last 5 minutes). Well after a couple of outfit changes, this is what our little girl came up with.

So I'm not sure exactly what this was all about, but I'm a little scared for what the future might bring. Thankfully I have a wonderful wife, who will instill positive moral and standards. It is a bit scary what kids are getting into these days, and at what age they are doing them. But I think that is a different topic and post all together. For now, we can all just sit back and enjoy our little girl's cute bum!