She has been quite the character lately, since the kids have been gone for over 2 weeks. The other night Michelle and I were vegging out in front of the TV, when Jasmin decided to play "dress-up". For the past few months she has learned how to put on and take off her clothes. She gets a real kick out of it, and will probably change about 5 times a day (some outfits only last 5 minutes). Well after a couple of outfit changes, this is what our little girl came up with.

So I'm not sure exactly what this was all about, but I'm a little scared for what the future might bring. Thankfully I have a wonderful wife, who will instill positive moral and standards. It is a bit scary what kids are getting into these days, and at what age they are doing them. But I think that is a different topic and post all together. For now, we can all just sit back and enjoy our little girl's cute bum!
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA......what a funny girl! That is too cute! Kaci loves too run around naked, just wish she got a kick out of sitting on the potty. For now she just tells us..."Um, no I go potty in my diaper!" Kids...ya never know what they'll do next!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That is HYSTERICAL! She is going to love you when she gets older and finds out you posted this picture on a blog! Isn't that what parents are for, though? Hailey is totally interested in sitting on the potty....for about 15 seconds, then she gets up to say "potty! potty" and laughs hysterically! Whatever, we aren't going to force her.
Thanks for sharing Jasmin's bum!
WHOA! Nice toosh. It was fun seeing you. We had a great Christmas. Want to hang out again in six months or so?
Simmer down there Jasmine!:) Funny girl! Hey I want to hang out in six months.
Yeah you guys are just trying to rub it know we are all the way over here in Buckeye land. Some friends;> Nope Bri, Charlie isn't named after Cha Cha. Good guess though.
I never know to answer someones question on my blog or on their blog. But I answered you on my blog brian.
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